Vol. 37, issue 04, article # 1

Panchenko Yu. N., Puchikin A. V., Andreev M. V., Konovalov I. N., Gorlov E. V. Tunable alexandrite laser for lidar systems. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 04. P. 275–278. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240401 [in Russian].
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The development of laser technologies leads to high requirements for lasers being developed which generate narrow-band radiation with different wavelengths. In view of this, the importance of wavelength-tunable diode and vibronic lasers with broadband amplification circuits increases. The possibility of generating highly coherent radiation in a solid-state alexandrite laser using an original composite resonator which includes an additional external dispersive resonator has been demonstrated. The results of experimental studies of conditions for the generation of narrow-band (less than 20 pm) radiation in such a resonator with the possibility of smooth tuning of the lasing wavelength in the spectral range 740–780 nm are presented. Narrow-band lasing in an alexandrite laser with a radiation energy of 30 mJ and a pulse duration of 35 ns was demonstrated. The created compact narrow-band alexandrite laser can be an effective alternative to parametric oscillators (OPO) and Ti:Sapphire lasers in lidar systems operating in the spectral range 700–850 nm.


alexandrite laser, dispersive resonator, coherent radiation, short pulse


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