Vol. 37, issue 02, article # 12
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The paper solves the problem of deriving the relationship between the variability of statistical characteristics of atmospheric parameters measured by GNSS receivers and the characteristics of convective processes according to the monitoring data near the Kazan city for 2013–2021. The results of GNSS monitoring are compared with the convective indices for the observation period. To assess convective processes, we used physical and statistical parameters of instability calculated from ERA5 reanalysis: Upward Vertical Velocity, Vortex Generation Parameter, and WMAXSHEAR. Statistical characteristics of the zenith tropospheric delay’s horizontal gradient significantly change under conditions of deep convection. The results of the work can be used to develop a methodology for sub-satellite monitoring of convective processes in the tasks of operational forecasting of severe weather phenomena.
global navigation satellite system, tropospheric monitoring, atmospheric convection, tropospheric zenith delay, gradient parameter
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