Vol. 36, issue 11, article # 11
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This work continues the series of experimental studies of fluctuations of the parameters of optical waves along extended paths. In this part, we study possibilities of using an adaptive optics system for focusing laser radiation along long paths in the atmosphere. The adaptive optics system is described, which is part of a hybrid system that provides focusing of a laser radiation beam along an extended atmospheric path. A focusing system, which uses a Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor, a deformable controllable mirror, and a wavefront tilt corrector implements a phase conjugation algorithm based on a signal from a point reference source. To accompany the experiment, optical and acoustic meters of the level of turbulence and wind speed were used. The results show both opportunities and limitations for the efficient operation of the system on a long turbulent path.
adaptive optics, turbulence, phase, optical wave, correction
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