Vol. 36, issue 11, article # 10

Zuev V. V., Maslennikova E. A., Saveljeva E. S., Pavlinskii A. V. Sensitivity of the Antarctic polar vortex to temperature changes in the lower subtropical stratosphere. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 11. P. 942–945. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20231110 [in Russian].
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The polar vortices play a significant role in the distribution of stratospheric ozone, the movement of air masses in the polar and subpolar stratosphere, and temperature changes over the polar region. The Antarctic polar vortex forms in autumn and reaches its peak intensity in early spring. In late spring, when this vortex weakens, the influence of the lower subtropical stratosphere increases. We consider the effect of temperature changes in the lower subtropical stratosphere on the Antarctic polar vortex strengthening. Using correlation analysis and ARA5 reanalysis data, we show a significant increase in the effect of minor temperature changes in the lower subtropical stratosphere on the Antarctic polar vortex dynamics in the second half of November.


Antarctic polar vortex, lower subtropical stratosphere, polar ozone depletion


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