Vol. 36, issue 09, article # 8
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A polarization dielectric mirror on a ZnSe substrate is created for laser systems in the mid-IR range. The film periodic structure was calculated using the Optilayer software. Zinc sulfide (ZnS) and ytterbium fluoride (YbF3) were used as materials for the interference coating. The optical parameters of the materials used are determined in a wide spectral range. The interference coating of the structure calculated was deposited onto the substrate by the ion-beam sputtering method. The threshold value for laser-induced breakdown of a dielectric mirror by Ho:YAG laser radiation with a wavelength of 2.097 mm was obtained, which was 4 J/cm2 at a pulse repetition rate of 10 kHz and a pulse duration at half-height of 30 ns. The mirror was tested in an OPO system based on a ZnGeP2 single crystal; the conversion efficiency obtained with this mirror reaches 30%.
dielectric mirror, optical parametric oscillator, substrate, mid-IR range, ZnSe, ZnGeP2
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