Vol. 36, issue 08, article # 1

Dеichuli V. M., Petrova T. M., Solodov A. M., Solodov A. A. Analysis of water molecule absorption line intensities in the IR spectral region. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 08. P. 613–618. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230801 [in Russian].
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The H2O absorption lines broadened by the air pressure were recorded using IFS 125HR Fourier spectrometer in the spectral region 3000–7500 cm-1. The H2O absorption line intensities are determined for the modified Voigt profile which takes into account the dependence of the broadening on the speed of colliding molecules. The comparison with literature data is carried out. The intensities of the H2O absorption lines obtained in this work can serve both as a basis for improving the calculations of absorption lines and for various atmospheric applications that require the high precision intensity values.


water molecule, air, broadening and shifting coefficients, Fourier spectroscopy



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