Vol. 36, issue 06, article # 8

Raputa V. F., Lezhenin A. A., Amikishieva R. A. Estimates of the height of rise and buoyancy of smoke plumes from high chimneys of thermal power plants from satellite information. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 06. P. 482–486. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230608 [in Russian].
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Methods for estimating the buoyancy and rise characteristics of atmospheric pollutant emissions from high sources are discussed. They are based on the application of the relations of the theory of similarity and dimension for smoke plumes. Aerological sounding data and satellite images of plumes and their shadows on the earth's surface are used as additional information. The proposed approach to assessiment of the buoyancy flows of smoke plumes and the height of their rise was tested for three large thermal power plants in Siberia. A satisfactory agreement between the results and the normative characteristics of buoyancy flow for the chimneys under consideration has been established.


atmosphere, smoke plume, ascent height, buoyancy flow, satellite imagery


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