Vol. 36, issue 06, article # 7
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The results of experimental determination of near-surface aerosol density for particles of different composition and size have been published over many years. Based on the generalization of these data, as well as the results of our own field observations of microphysical characteristics and composition of Moscow aerosol, an algorithm and parameters for numerical estimation of mass concentration of submicron and micron urban aerosol are suggested. Using this algorithm, on the basis of experimental data on the size distribution function of aerosol particles in the diameter range 0.3–10 microns obtained during regular observations at IAP RAS in Moscow in 2020–2022, the mass concentration of near-surface aerosol of various fractions was calculated. A comparative analysis of the results of such an assessment and the data of synchronous measurements of mass concentration of aerosol particles using a portable aerosol spectrometer GRIMM 1.108 over the past two years has shown a good correspondence between the calculated and measured values. Density values for four ranges of aerosol particle sizes are selected for more correct numerical estimation of the mass concentration of urban aerosol of fractions PM2.5 and PM10.
Moscow, surface aerosol, density, particle size distribution, numerical concentration, mass concentration, elemental composition, morphological structure, algorithm for numerical estimation
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