Vol. 36, issue 06, article # 5

Gulyaev E. A., Gusev A. O., Markelov Yu. I., Gadelshin V. M. Techniques to study urban atmospheric aerosols: measurement tools and verification of result. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 06. P. 455–461. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230605 [in Russian].
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This paper represents an approach based on analysis techniques (statistical, microscopic, verification) of data provided by aerosol optical sensors, diffusion aerosol spectrometer, aspirating air sampler, and optical microscopy. The particulate matter size distribution and PM2.5 mass concentration are studied. The low-cost measurement tools are verified with expensive precise equipment. The results show a high correlation (from 0.92 to 0.98) between different tools. The combination of considered devices can become a basis for a multipoint aerosol monitoring network for a wide urban territory with relatively low expenses.


atmospheric aerosol, PM2.5 particles, mass concentration, size distribution, optical microscopy


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