Vol. 36, issue 06, article # 11

Peremitina T. O., Yashchenko I. G. Estimation of the impact of the oil and gas complex on the biosphere of the Arctic territories on the basis of multispectral satellite data. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 06. P. 502–506. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230611 [in Russian].
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The ecological state of the Arctic hydrocarbon deposit territories over the period 2013–2022 is estimated. Vegetation cover is considered an indicator of the ecological state of the territories under study. Based on the Terra/MODIS satellite data, the state of the vegetation cover of hydrocarbon fields in the Purovsky district of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is studied: Urengoyskoye, Vostochno-Tarkosalinskoye, Gubkinskoye, Vyngayakhinskoye, Komsomolskoye, and Tarasovskoye. Using the ArcGis geographic information system, the average values of EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) of the field vegetation cover for the full growing season from May 25 to September 20, 2013–2022, are calculated. The EVI minima and maxima for the territories are determined. Tendencies towards an increase in EVI in the final growing season over the 10-year period under study are found.


satellite data, vegetation index, geoinformation system, vegetation cover, hydrocarbon deposit



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