Vol. 36, issue 04, article # 2

Sinitsa L. N., Emelyanov N. M., Lugovskoy A. A., Shcherbakov A. P., Skornikova S. A. Estimation of pore diameters and static H2O capacity of zeolites from IR spectra of absorbed water. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 04. P. 257–261. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230402 [in Russian].
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Today, the gas-adsorption porosimetry technique is standard for determining the pore sizes of nanoporous materials. However, it requires liquid nitrogen, and measurements take a long time.
We have suggested a spectroscopic technique for determining the pore diameters of nanoporous silicon materials from the absorption spectra of water adsorbed in a material (Atmos. Ocean. Opt. 2021. V. 34, N 6. P. 542–546). In this work, this technique is used to measure the pore size of zeolites. The pore sizes of five samples are estimated with the use of the regression analysis. The values obtained by the spectroscopic technique are in a good agreement with measurements by the standard one: the error of the spectroscopic technique is less than 10%. In terms of speed, the spectroscopic technique exceeds the standard one by dozens of times. The spectroscopic technique can also be applied to determining the static water capacity of materials.


Fourier spectroscopy, absorption spectrum, nanopores, porosimetry


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