Vol. 36, issue 03, article # 11

Yurin A. I., Vishnyakov G. N., Minaev V. L. Seawater salinity estimation from measuring the refractive index. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 03. P. 244–248. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230311 [in Russian].
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Methods for measuring the salinity of seawater are considered. The results of an experimental study of samples of common and sea salt solutions with different salinity, poured into a hollow trihedral optical glass prism are presented. To measure the angles of refraction of light, a goniometric system was used, the minimum deviation method was implemented, which has a high accuracy of determining the refractive index. With dispersion analysis of experimental results, it is proved that the refractive index of water does not depend on its salt composition. An equation is suggested which describes the dependence of the refractive index on salinity and temperature for a fixed wavelength.


salinity scale, seawater salinity, salinity measurement, refractive index, refractometry, prism method, goniometric system


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