Vol. 35, issue 12, article # 8

Gladkikh V. A., Mamysheva A. A., Nevzorova I. V., Odintsov S. L. Analysis of derivatives in equations of atmospheric hydrothermodynamics with the use of experimental data. Part 2: Equations for the wind field. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 12. P. 1015–1020. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20221208 [in Russian].
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The paper analyzes the time and space derivatives of the wind vector components and the derivatives in the case of resolution into deterministic, meso-gamma-scale, and turbulent parts. Experimental data on the wind vector components obtained in the surface air layer with ultrasonic thermoanemometers were used for the analysis. The main task was to estimate the values and the variability ranges of the derivatives including meso-gamma-scale variations in the wind field. The aim of the study was to compare the variability ranges of these derivatives with those of the “classical” derivatives (when only deterministic and turbulent parts of the wind vector are considered). It is shown that meso-gamma-scale variations in the wind vector components can be no less important than the turbulent parts included in the “classical” schemes used for simulation (prediction) of the wind field with high space and time resolution.


wind, meso-gamma-scale, surface layer, gray zone, temperature, turbulence



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