Vol. 35, issue 11, article # 8

Gladkikh V. A., Mamysheva A. A., Nevzorova I. V., Odintsov S. L. Analysis of derivatives in atmospheric hydrothermodynamics equations with the use of experimental data. Part 1: Equation for the temperature field. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 11. P. 923–931. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20221108 [in Russian].
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The time and space derivatives of the air temperature and its products with the wind vector components are analyzed for the cases where the temperature and wind fields are resolved into the deterministic, meso-gamma scale, and turbulent parts. Ultrasonic thermoanemometer measurements in the surface air layer are used for the analysis. The variability ranges of the derivatives are estimated including meso-gamma scale variations in the temperature and wind fields. The variability ranges of these derivatives are compared with those of the “classical” derivatives (when only deterministic and turbulent parts are considered). The derivatives of the components which contain meso-gamma scales are shown to be comparable with the components which include only turbulent parts.


wind, meso-gamma scale, surface layer, gray zone, temperature, turbulence


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