Vol. 35, issue 08, article # 13

Domysheva V. M., Panchenko M. V., Pestunov D. A., Sakirko M. V., Shamrin A. M. Estimation of primary production in the water of the coastal zone of the lake Baikal on the basis of the daily variations in CO2 concentration in different seasons of 2005–2021. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 08. P. 686–694. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220813 [in Russian].
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The paper estimates the gross and net primary production based on long-term series of complex measurements of carbon dioxide concentrations in the near-water atmosphere and surface and bottom water, as well as fluxes in the “water  atmosphere” system for the most characteristic seasonal cycles of the life of the Baikal plankton.
The calculations were carried out according to the scheme similar to the diel method. With regard to the conditions of the coastal zone, the analysis of methodological issues was carried out, neglect of which can lead to a significant uncertainty in these characteristics. It is shown that in this scheme, having only CO2 concentration measurement data, it is not possible to correctly estimate the net primary production. For periods of open water, its calculation was carried out using the daily average CO2 flux. The results of the assessment of bioproductivity, carried out in detail for individual series of measurements in different periods, quite adequately show the main features and are consistent with the data of long-term observations.


lake Baikal, carbon dioxide, water–atmosphere flux, diurnal variation, partial pressure, gross primary and net production, phytoplankton


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