Vol. 35, issue 07, article # 10

Tatur V. V., Tikhomirov A. A. Selective absorption effect of impurity gases on measurements in atomic absorption mercury analyzers based on the Zeeman effect. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 07. P. 594–598. DOI: 10.1134/S1024856023010190 [in Russian].
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The effect of impurity gases (benzene and toluene) on measurements of the mercury concentration in natural gas is estimated. The measurements were carried out with analyzers with mercury capillary lamps (MCL) as a radiation source. The MCLs were placed in the magnetic field to produce the longitudinal or transverse Zeeman effects. It is shown that in the transverse Zeeman effect, when the triplet of π-, σ+-, and δ--components is emitted, the effect of impurity gases on the measurement results of mercury concentration in natural gas several time decreases. The minimum allowable concentration of benzene and toluene (up to 10 mg/m3) in natural gas is experimentally determined, which does not affect the measurement of mercury concentration with an analyzer with a MCL filled with mercury of natural isotopic composition in the transverse Zeeman effect.


mercury vapor analyzer, longitudinal and transverse Zeeman effects, natural gas, benzene, toluene, minimum concentration


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