Vol. 35, issue 04, article # 5

Tarasenko V. F., Baksht E. H., Burachenko A. G., Vinogradov N. P. Simulation of the color of high-altitude atmospheric discharges based on repetitively pulsed discharges in air, nitrogen, and argon. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 04. P. 279–283. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220405 [in Russian].
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The effect of the electrode material (aluminum and stainless steel) on the generation of mini-jets on the color of a pulse-periodic diffuse discharge in air, nitrogen, and argon is studied. A discharge was generated under generation of runaway electrons in an inhomogeneous electric field. It is found that the material of the electrodes significantly influences the color of the mini jets that originate when bright spots appear on the electrodes. It is confirmed that the use of aluminum electrodes colors the mini jets red, and of iron electrodes, blue. It is shown that the color of the discharge plasma in the mini jet region corresponds to the color of high-altitude atmospheric discharges (red sprites and blue jets) and differs from the color of diffuse discharges in air and nitrogen under the same pressure.


mini jets, diffuse discharge, atmospheric discharges, red sprites, blue jets


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