Vol. 35, issue 01, article # 9

Belov V. V., Poznaharev E. S., Tarasenkov M. V., Fedosov A. V. Non-coplanar bistatic optical communication systems. Field and laboratory experiments. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 01. P. 63–66. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220109 [in Russian].
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Results of field and laboratory experiments on non-line-of-sight communication under water and in a model air medium are considered. For the first time, the experiments have been performed for non-coplanar communication schemes of the first (when single scattered radiation was present in the information-bearing signal) and second type (when this radiation was absent). The feasibi­lity of communication through an ice interface with an underwater source was confirmed. It was shown that transition from the coplanar to non-coplanar communication scheme, accompanied by changes in the angles defining mutual orientation of the optical transmitter and receiver axes, can cause nonlinear changes in communication errors. The explanation of this dependence is suggested.


optical communication on scattered laser radiation, field and laboratory experiments



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