Vol. 34, issue 10, article # 5
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In order to test a new method for determining the parameters of wind turbulence from the spectra of the vertical component of the wind speed vector measured by a pulsed coherent Doppler lidar (PCDL), in the summer of 2020 we conducted an experiment on the territory of the Basic Experimental Observatory (BEO) of the IAO SB RAS. A comparative analysis of the estimates of the turbulent energy dissipation rate obtained by two methods: 1) from the spectrum of the vertical component of the wind velocity vector (new method) and 2) from the azimuth structure function of the radial velocity measured by a conically scanning PCDL (previously used method) showed that the new method also gives an unbiased estimate. The results of lidar measurements of wind turbulence parameters in the presence of a low-level jet stream and an internal gravity wave in the atmospheric boundary layer are presented.
coherent Doppler lidar, wind, turbulence
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