Vol. 34, issue 07, article # 7

Raputa V. F., Lezhenin A. A. Estimation of the dynamic and thermal characteristics of the rise of a smoke plume from satellite information. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 07. P. 530–534. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210707 [in Russian].
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A numerical model has been developed for retrieving characteristics of the active phase of the rise of a smoke plume based on observation data. The basic conditions in the estimation model are the solution of the equations of hydrothermodynamics of the atmosphere. Using satellite information, the temperature variation and the rate of rise of the smoke plume from the high-rise pipe of the Gusinoozyorskaya GRES were numerically retrieved. The efficiency of the approach proposed in winter time, which is characterized by large volumes of emissions of smoke mixtures and high contrast of the shadows of the plumes on the earth's surface, is shown.


satellite images, smoke plume, buoyancy flux, atmosphere, equations of hydrothermodynamics, height of impurity rise


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