Vol. 34, issue 06, article # 3

Andreeva I. S., Safatov A. S., Puchkova L. I., Emelyanova E. K., Buryak G. A., Ternovoi V. A. Biodiversity and biotechnological potential of spore-forming bacteria isolated from atmospheric aerosols of Western Siberia. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 06. P. 408–413. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210603 [in Russian].
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The diversity of spore-forming bacteria isolated from high-altitude and near-surface aerosol samples while monitoring the biogenic component of atmospheric air in southwestern Siberia were investigated. A significant predominance of spore-forming bacteria over representatives of other microorganism groups was recorded from October to December 2016. Sixty-two cultivated cultures of endospore-forming bacteria were isolated from the aerosol samples collected in that period. Their morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics were studied, their genomic identification was performed, and their enzymatic activity was determined. The isolated and characterized bacterial cultures were identified as belonging to the genera Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Brevibacillus, Lysinibacillus, etc. and possessing biotechnologically significant proteolytic, amylolytic, phosphatase, lipolytic, and nuclease activities.


atmosphere, bioaerosols, atmospheric aerosols, viable spore-forming microorganisms, enzymatic activity, Bacillus


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