Vol. 34, issue 01, article # 5

Ladohina E. M., Rubinshtein K. G. Study of the impact of the megalopolis of St. Petersburg on wind and precipitation for validation of numerical weather forecast. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 01. P. 36–45. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210105 [in Russian].
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Daily total precipitation amount and surface wind characteristics were retrieved for St. Petersburg and 15 stations of the Leningrad region for the period 1994–2018. Gradient boosting method was used to retrieve the precipitation data. The analysis of the data series retrieved has allowed us to ascertain the following effects of St. Petersburg megalopolis on the fields of the meteorological parameters: an increase in precipitation on the leeward side of the megalopolis and a decrease in the wind speed on the leeward side of the megalopolis and immediately at the city center. The criteria for their detection on a specific day (time) are developed; the average values of the effects are assessed.


metropolis, gradient boosting method, annual precipitation trends, surface wind, urban effects


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