Vol. 33, issue 11, article # 10

Znamenskii I. V., Tikhomirov A. A. Algorithm and software for calculation of an IR optoelectronic system with a photodetector array. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 11. P. 890–896. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20201110 [in Russian].
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An algorithm for energy calculation of the threshold illumination of the entrance pupil of an optoelectronic system (OES) in the range 0.9–5.3 μm is presented. The dependence of the time of accumulation tac on the photodetector array on the rate of counting signal photons ns, as well as the dependence of ns on the signal-to-noise ratio are derived. The illumination of the entrance pupil of the OES lens from a spherical space object illuminated by the Sun is calculated. The program is developed and its interface is presented for the energy calculation of the OES in various sections of the considered IR range.


optoelectronic system, photodetector array, IR range, threshold illumination, time of accumulation, signal-to-noise ratio, calculation algorithm and program


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