Vol. 33, issue 04, article # 4

Astafurov V. G., Skorokhodov A. V., Kuriyanovich K. V., Mitrofanenko Y. K. Parameters of various cloud types over the natural zones of Western Siberia according to MODIS satellite data. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 04. P. 266–271. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200404 [in Russian].
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A methodology for studying seasonal variations in cloud parameters over the regions of Western Siberia using satellite data is presented. Five natural zones have been identified: tundra, forest-tundra, bogs, taiga, and forest-steppe. A combined “summer” and “winter” cloud classification has been introduced including 16 and 12 cloud types, respectively. An algorithm based on neural network technologies and fuzzy logic methods is used for cloud image classification. The results of analysis of seasonal variations in some parameters of various cloud types and their repeatability over the considered regions of Western Siberia based on MODIS satellite data for 2017 are discussed. The dependences found for seasonal variability of cloud parameters are in a good agreement with the known literature data that confirms high efficiency of the technique proposed.


Western Siberia, climate, cloud cover, natural areas, seasonal variations, satellite data, cloud parameters



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