Vol. 33, issue 03, article # 4

Belskaya E. V., Bokhan P. A., Gugin P. P., Zakrevsky Dm. E. Lasing characteristics of a thallium-ion laser excited by an electron beam. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 03. P. 177–182. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200304 [in Russian].
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When the Ne + Tl gas-vapor mixture was excited by an electron beam, laser generation was obtained and investigated with excitation of the upper levels in the charge exchange reaction at ion lines with l = 1,922; 1,385; 0,595; 0,695 and 0,707 mm; the lasing at the first two lines was obtained for the first time. In the studied range of pump parameters, a linear dependence of the lasing power on the pumping power was revealed, indicating the efficiency of electron-beam excitation. An average radiation power of 44 mW was reached at l = 595 nm at a pulse repetition frequency of 1 kHz with an efficiency of ~ 0,06%. A numerical simulation of the laser energy characteristics was carried out.


lasing, electron beam, thallium ion, charge exchange reaction, ion lasing lines, numerical simulation


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