Vol. 33, issue 02, article # 9

Podnebesnykh N. V. Long-term changes in atmospheric circulation over Siberia. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 02. P. 142–145. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200209 [in Russian].
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The long-term (1976–2018) variability of such characteristics of cyclones and anticyclones as the number, average long-term pressure at the centers of baric formations (hPa), and average long-term duration (day) is studied in Siberian (50–70°N; 60–110°E) based on surface synoptic maps. An increase in the number of cyclones and anticyclones, a decrease in the pressure at the centers of cyclones and its increase at the centers of anticyclones in the second half of the period under study have been ascertained, that is, cyclones became deeper and anticyclones more intense. At the same time, duration of cyclone and anticyclone decreased, and the anticyclonic weather occurred more often than the cyclonic weather during the year over the territory of Siberia.


Siberia, surface synoptic maps, cyclones, anticyclones, characteristics of baric formations


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