Vol. 32, issue 11, article # 5

Pustovalov K. N., Kharyutkina E. V., Korolkov V. A., Nagorsky P. M. Variability in resources of solar and wind energy in the Russian sector of Arctic. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 11. P. 908–914. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20191105 [in Russian].
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Based on observational data of meteorological stations and reanalysis data, seasonal-daily values of total radiation and wind speed in the Russian sector of the Arctic were estimated over the time interval 1987–2016. Possible climate change effect was also considered. It was revealed that the total solar energy flux reached the peak values in June (7–8 kW h/m2); moreover, its increase was noted in summer months, when moving from west to east. The median values of wind speed in the region were 4–6 m/s and they were not significantly changed during a year. Minimal values of wind speed increased from winter to summer, and the maximal ones decreased. When moving from west to east, as well as from north to south a decrease in median and extreme wind speed values was observed. It was established that the frequency of wind speed less than 1.5 m/s, on average in the region, was 9%, and it varied from 4 to 20%, and the duration of windless periods did not exceed 3 hours (p = 95%). The probability of appearance of intervals with wind speed less than 1.5 m/s decreased with an increase in the length of these time intervals according to the exponential distribution law. Thus, a joint usage of solar and wind energy potential in the northern regions of Russia gives rise to all prerequisites in accelerated development of renewable energy sources in the Russian Arctic.


Arctic, renewable energy sources, solar radiation, wind speed


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