Vol. 32, issue 11, article # 4

Tartakovsky V. A., Cheredko N. N., Maksimov V. G. Calculation of mid-latitude temperature by linear transformation of astronomical insolation. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 11. P. 902–907. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20191104 [in Russian].
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The series of long-term average temperatures obtained at 927 weather stations of the Northern hemisphere from 1955–2014 are compared with the known data on astronomical insolation for the same intervals and localizations. It is shown that the average annual astronomical insolation as a function of latitude subjected to linear transformation should be considered as the average value of long-term average temperatures at weather stations of the corresponding latitudes for the period under consideration, i.e., like mid-latitude temperature. The justification of this result is carried out by regression of the compared data and by grouping the weather stations. The estimates of the increase in the mid-latitude temperature in the period 1985–2014 are compared with those in 1955–1984. The contributions to the temperature variability of the components, determined by astronomical insolation and by stochastic processes in the geosphere, do not contradict well-known estimates, which verifies the introduced linear transformation of astronomical insolation.


astronomical insolation, surface temperature, mid-latitude temperature


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