Vol. 32, issue 08, article # 4

Klimeshina T. E., Rodimova O. B. Calculation of H2O continuum absorption in IR-region based on Burch’s measurements. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 08. P. 628–632. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190804 [in Russian].
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The results of calculation of continuum absorption coefficients in IR H2O spectra in 2400–10000 cm-1 spectral region are presented. The spectral line contour used in the calculation was obtained in the frame of asymptotic line wing theory and contains parameters of both classic and quantum potentials. Parameters of the classic potential were taken from absorption calculations in 8–12 mm region. Parameters of the quantum potential were derived from fitting to Burch’s data in 2400–2800 cm-1 region. Calculated data in the H2O transparency windows are consistent with CRDS measurement data and with high temperature Fourier-measurement data.


water vapour, continuum absorption, Burch continuum, FTIR measurements, СRDS measurements


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