Vol. 32, issue 07, article # 5

Panchenko M. V., Pol'kin V. V., Pol'kin Vas. V., Kozlov V. S., Yausheva E. P., Shmargunov V. P. The size distribution of the “dry matter” of particles in the surface air layer in suburbs of Tomsk within the empirical classification of “aerosol weather” types. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 07. P. 539–547. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190705 [in Russian].
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Based on the integrated monitoring of aerosol characteristics in suburbs of Tomsk (2000–2017), a version of classification of the surface air layer state according to “aerosol weather” types is suggested. As a basis of the measurement technique, we use the principle of separate study of the variability of the “dry matter” of aerosol particles and their condensation activity.
The “aerosol weather” types was carried out in the coordinates (σdР), where σd is the scattering coefficient of the dry matter of aerosol (λ = 0.51 mm); P is the ratio of the mass concentration of the absorbing substance to the mass concentration of submicron particles, which reflects the degree of "blackening" of the particles. The data array is divided into two classes by the value of the scattering coefficient σd = 100 Mm-1: “atmospheric haze” (σd < 100 Mm-1) and “haze” (σd > 100 Mm-1). Then the array of observational data is divided by the value P = 0.05. In each calendar season, in accordance with the parameters specified, four types of “aerosol weather” are identified, which are conventionally designated as “background” (P < 0.05, σd < 100 Mm-1), “haze-S” (P > 0.05, σd < 100 Mm-1), “smog” (P > 0.05, σd > 100 Mm-1), and “smoke haze” (P < 0.05, σd > 100 Mm-1). It is shown that the main “aerosol weather” types are reliably different in the ratio of the content of submicron and coarse particles in all seasons.


aerosol, microstructure, scattering coefficient, halo, soot, submicron and coarse dispersed fractions, “dry basis” of particles, “background”, “haze”, “smog”, “smoke haze”


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