Vol. 32, issue 04, article # 4

Mankovskaya E. V., Korchemkina E. N., Morozov A. N. Bio-optical characteristics of Sevastopol coastal waters from the beam attenuation coefficient. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 04. P. 279–284. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190404 [in Russian].
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A technique for processing measurements with 4- and 9-channel transparency meters developed at the Department of Marine Optics and Biophysics of Marine Hydrophysical Institute are discussed. A system of orthogonal functions for beam attenuation coefficient of coastal waters near Sevastopol was derived on the basis of new measurements with a 9-channel transparency meter. It was used to retrieve the spectral distribution of the beam attenuation coefficient in a wide spectral range from measurements in two (460 and 625 nm) spectral channels. The technique suggested was used to calculate the bio-optical characteristics from the beam attenuation coefficient measured in two expeditions of the R/V “Biryuza” in September 9–10, 2015, and September 12–13, 2016, in the coastal waters of Sevastopol. The main features of the obtained distributions of dissolved organic matter absorption and suspended matter scattering in both surveys are connected with the plume upwelling to the sea surface. The existence of the plume is a consequence of emergency state of the underwater pipe of the wastewater discharge system.


suspended matter, dissolved organic matter, transparency meter, beam attenuation coefficient, plume, Black Sea


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