Vol. 32, issue 01, article # 10

Razenkov I. A. Optimization of parameters of a turbulent lidar. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 01. P. 70-81. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190110 [in Russian].
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The article presents a comparison of experimental and calculated data on the shape of the peak of backscattering enhancement in the propagation of a beam in a turbulent atmosphere. Two schemes of construction of a two-channel turbulent lidar are considered and calculations of the ratio of lidar echoes and the factor of turbulence influence on the average power of the scattered light on the receiver depending on the geometric characteristics of the receiver-transmitter are carried out. Recommended diameter transmit-receive aperture lidar is 50–70 mm. To create an eye-safe lidar with high potential, it is proposed to use a laser with a wavelength of 355 nm. The obtained estimate of the echo and of the influence of turbulence for day and twilight values of background light. The possibility of remote detection of turbulent zones in the troposphere is estimated for an ultraviolet turbulent lidar.


atmospheric turbulence, backscatter enhancement effect, lidar


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