Vol. 31, issue 11, article # 8

Kovadlo P. G., Lukin V. P., Shikhovtsev A. Yu. The development of the model of turbulent atmosphere on the astroplatform of Large Solar Vacuum Telescope as applied to image adaptation. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 11. P. 906–910. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181108 [in Russian].
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The work is aimed at the improvement of the model of turbulent atmosphere at the Large Solar Vacuum Telescope site using the analysis of the energy turbulence spectrum in a wide range of frequencies and deformations of the vertical profile of the structure characteristic of the air refraction index in the atmospheric boundary layer (up to 1 km) depending on the surface turbulence energy.


turbulence, effective turbulence velocity, effective turbulence height


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