Vol. 31, issue 08, article # 6

Mankovsky V. I. Parameters of the light-scattering phase function in the tropical Atlantic waters. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 08. P. 634–639. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180806 [in Russian].
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The results of measurements of the light-scattering phase function in the tropical Atlantic are represented. The parameters of the scattering functions in water of the principal large-scale tropical currents are presented. The relations of the scattering function asymmetry coefficient with the total scattering coefficient and the total scattering coefficient with the beam attenuation coefficient are established.


scattering function, stretch of scattering function, asymmetry coefficient of scattering function, middle cosine of angle of scattering function, middle angle of scattering function, total scattering coefficient, beam attenuation coefficient


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