Vol. 31, issue 07, article # 6

Astafurov V. G., Skorokhodov A. V., Musienko O. P., Kuriyanovich K. V. Statistical models of image texture and physical parameters of cloudiness during snow cover periods on the Russian Federation territory from MODIS data. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 07. P. 537–541. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180706 [in Russian].
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Parametric statistical models of the image textures and physical parameters of cloudiness over various natural regions of the Russian Federation during snow cover are presented. The cloud texture description is based on the GLCM, GLDV, SADH, and OSDH methods of statistical approach to describing the texture of their images in the visible spectral range (0.62–0.67 μm). The probability densities and estimates of their parameters are found. They describe the fluctuations in the physical parameters of the clouds and the texture features of their images, determined from MODIS satellite data. The most repetitive cloud types during periods of snow cover are given. The comparative analysis results of statistical cloud models for various natural regions and cloud models over snow-covered territory and a snow-free surface are discussed. The variability of characteristic values of texture features and physical parameters of clouds observed over different natural regions of the Russian Federation is noted.


climate, cloudiness, snow cover, satellite data, statistical model, texture features, physical parameters


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