Vol. 31, issue 04, article # 10

Mankovsky V. I. Estimation of the total concentration of suspended matter and its organic and mineral fractions in the Lake Baikal by the Secchi Disk. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 04. P. 313–317. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180410 [in Russian].
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Based on the measurements of light scattering functions performed in different regions of the Lake Baikal in summer 1979, the characteristics of suspended matter in surface waters are calculated, including mass and number concentrations of suspension and its different fractions. By this data, the relationships with Secchi Disk are derived. The formula of relationship between the mass concentration of suspended matter and Secchi Disk for Lake Baikal is compared with similar formulas for marine waters.


Lake Baikal, scattering phase function, Secchi Disk, Secchi depth, suspended matter, organic particles, mineral particles, mass concentration of suspended particles, number concentration of suspended particles


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