Vol. 31, issue 03, article # 14

Pushkareva A. E., Ponomarev I. V., Kazaryan M. A., Klyuchareva S. V. Numerical simulation of vessel heating by lasers in various modes. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 03. P. 229-232. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180314 [in Russian].
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Numerical simulation of the processes of heating a vessel with various laser sources (diode, Nd:YAG, CVL, and PDL) to temperatures at which its coagulation can occur is performed. On the basis of the simulation results, the depth and diameters of vessels that can be selectively and safely coagulated are determined, and safe dosage ranges are calculated.


copper vapor laser, pulse dye laser, vascular malformations, laser treatment, vascular skin lesions, vessel thermal responses



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