Vol. 30, issue 07, article # 8

Matvienko G. G., Romanovskii O. A., Sadovnikov S. A., Sukhanov A. Ya., Kharchenko O. V., Yakovlev S. V. Optical parametric oscillator in lidar sensing of atmospheric gases in the 3–4 μm spectral range. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 07. P. 598–604. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170708 [in Russian].
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An OPO-based laser system is presented, which is a part of a differential absorption lidar and provides for tunable generation of nanosecond pulses in the 3–4 μm spectral range. The DIAL–DOAS technique for lidar measurements of atmospheric gases is developed and tested in numerical simulation with the aim of estimating the lidar capabilities of sensing atmospheric trace gases. The simulation results of lidar measurements of atmospheric trace gases in the 3–4 μm range are described.


atmosphere, lidar sounding, DIAL, DOAS, atmospheric trace gas, nonlinear crystals


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