Vol. 3, issue 09, article # 12

Kochanov V. P. Shape of saturated optoacoustic absorption line for vibrational-rotational transitions of molecules. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1990. V. 3. No. 09. P. 904-909.    PDF
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Simple analytical expressions are derived for the time dependent population of the upper vibrational state of a molecule excited by a square pulse of resonance laser radiation with arbitrary intensity. Taking into account vibrational relaxation for truncated and infinite systems of levels made it possible to extend the range of applicability of the formulas to the case of wide pulses. It is shown that if the relative-population factor of the rotational levels combining with the field is much larger than the ratio of the rotational and vibrational relaxation times, then saturation of absorption on a vibrational transition is achieved much more easily with wide pulses than short pulses.