Vol. 29, issue 10, article # 11

Ageev B. G., Gruzdev A. N., Sapozhnikova V. A. Variations of gas components and total pressure in stem and root disc wood of conifer species. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 10. P. 862–869. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20161011 [in Russian].
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The content of CO2 and H2O in vacuum-extracted tree-ring wood of stem and root discs of certain conifer species was measured. Annual distributions of these gas components were found to exhibit cyclic behavior. Moreover, distinct cyclicity was also revealed in interannual variations of the total pressure of the vacuum-extracted tree-ring gas samples. It may be safely suggested that diffusion of stem CO2 into the atmosphere will show the same periodic variability. Two hypotheses about the origin of the cyclicity in the tree-ring CO2 distributions are examined.


conifers, cyclicity, CO2, latewood, pine roo


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