Vol. 29, issue 09, article # 5

Kashkin V. B., Romanov A. A., Rubleva T. V. Trends of total ozone content according to remote sensing data in 2005–2015. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 09. P. 752–757. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160905 [in Russian].
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The problem of total ozone change rate estimation is discussed. The analysis of published data reveals contradictory facts. This paper is based on OMI satellite total ozone data for 2005–2015. The singular spectrum analysis is used for estimation of the ozone trends and seasonal variations. The trend analysis shows that ozone increased with a rate of 1.97% per decade in the Northern hemisphere midlatitudes; and 1.52% per decade in the South hemisphere. There was an anomalous decrease in ozone in the Southern hemisphere from August to December of 2015; a large ozone hole was formed. It is shown that one of the caused could be the circulation conditions: from the tropical latitudes to the South less ozone than usually was moved.


stratospheric ozone, singular spectrum analysis, total ozone trends, remote sensing


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