Vol. 29, issue 08, article # 4

Loginov S. V., Moraru E. I., Kharyutkina E. V. The relationship of tropospheric circulation cells with variability of meridional heat fluxes over the territory of Siberia. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 08. P. 640–646. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160804 [in Russian].
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In this study, the research of spatiotemporal changes of meridional circulation cells over the Siberian sector in the Northern hemisphere was carried out using reanalysis data over two time intervals: the period of intensive global warming 1976–1998 and the period of its slowdown 1999–2014. It was revealed that the most significant changes are observed in winter season in the beginning of XXI century: almost complete disappearance of the polar cell and intensification of Hadley and Ferrell cells was revealed. Tendencies in the changes of advective and eddy meridional heat fluxes and their relationship with stream function were also obtained and analyzed. Thus, there is the intensification of eddy circulation and the increase of the number of its centers in all months over the period of global warming weakening. It leads to meridional circulation development, strengthening of blocking processes, and, therefore, to the decrease of meridional heat fluxes in the Siberian sector in the beginning of XXI century.


circulation cells, meridional circulation, heat fluxes, Siberian sector


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