Vol. 29, issue 01, article # 10

Fedotov Yu. V., Bullo O. A., Belov M. L., Gorodnichev V. A. Stability of results of plant state detection by laser fluorescence method. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 01. P. 80-84. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160110 [in Russian].
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Laser fluorescence method of plant state detection is considered. Laboratory setup is described and analysis of plant fluorescence spectra excited at a wavelength of 532 nm are presented. It is shown that the measurement small series average of the fluorescence intensity ratio R at wavelengths of 685 and 740 nm is marked by high stability for different samples of a plant. Sum of confidential intervals of ratio R (for confidential probability 95%) in most cases is no more than difference of mean values of the ratio R for normal and stress states caused by various reasons.


laser fluorescence method, vegetation monitoring, fluorescence spectra, stability


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