Vol. 28, issue 10, article # 7

Lokoshchenko M. A., Korneva I. A., Dubovetsky A. Z., Kochin A. V. Air temperature in the lower troposphere over Moscow during heat wave in summer of 2010. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 10. P. 906-913. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20151007 [in Russian].
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Dynamics of the air temperature in the lower 4 km layer have been studied by the data of radio-sounding in Dolgoprudny and ground meteorological measurements at Moscow University in time of anomalous heat wave in summer of 2010. The results have been compared with the aero-climatic data during previous 19 years. Accordingly to these data average estimations of both the daily vertical thermal gradient values, thickness, and intensity of nocturnal surface inversions (correspondingly, 200–300 m and 2.0°С) are presented for Moscow region. As it shown, in summer of 2010 in the air layer up to 2 km height over Moscow record high air temperature was noted for the period from at least 1991. Among others, the 30°С value has been detected for the first time in the air layer from 400 to 800 m.
During heat wave in 2010, as a result of clear anticyclone conditions, thickness, and intensity of nocturnal surface inversions were larger than usually (up to 700 m and 12°С correspondingly). The mean temperature profiles have been studied for different types of air masses. As it shown, the tropical air mass dominated over Moscow region in summer of 2010 during more than half of the time.


air temperature, radio-sounding, aeroclimatology, surface inversions, unstable stratification, synoptic analysis, air mass


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