Vol. 28, issue 09, article # 6

Gruzdev A. N., Isakov A. A. On the nature of long-period variations in the mass concentration of the near-surface aerosol. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 09. P. 810-815. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150906 [in Russian].
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Using the results of measurements of the mass concentration of the near-surface aerosol at Zvenigorod Scientific Station of the A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmosphere Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, the analysis of variations in the aerosol concentration with periods of more than 1 month is done. It is shown that the variations can be associated with the periodicities in the recurrences of trajectories of atmospheric transport from certain directions. Cases are considered when long-period variations of aerosol concentration are due to episodes of enhanced or reduced concentrations resulted from aerosol advection from appropriate directions. It is found in particular that the 1.5-month variations of the mass aerosol concentration in 1995 were due to the 1.5-month recurrence of the concentration maxima caused by transport from the south-east direction. The three-month periodicity of transport episodes from Baltic and North Atlantic in 2004 manifests itself through the 3-month recurrence of the aerosol concentration minima. A statistical relation of the near-surface aerosol concentration to dynamics of the Arctic upper troposphere is revealed.


aerosol, mass concentration, long-period variations


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