Vol. 28, issue 08, article # 12

Sherstobitov M. V., Tsvyk R. Sh., Loboda E. L. Processing sequence of thermograms in determining rotation frequency of the torch. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 08. P. 751-755. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150812 [in Russian].
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We explored fire torch’s radiation in laboratory conditions. Fire torch was burning from a tank, which was fixed at the axis of uprising flow of air. Ethanol was used as a fuel. The description of processing of a thermogram sequence of the twisted torch is presented. The rotation frequency was determined by FFT conversion of time pulsation of thermovision signal.


thermovisor, vortex combustion, emission from a flame, frequency signal analysis


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