Vol. 28, issue 03, article # 6

Ogorodnikov V. A., Sereseva O. V. Multiplicative numerical stochastic model of daily sums of liquid precipitation fields and its use for estimation of statistical characteristics of extreme precipitation regimes. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 03. P. [in Russian].
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The multiplicative approach to construction of numerical stochastic models of spatial and spatio-temporal fields of daily sums of liquid precipitation is considered. The approach is that the indicator fields of precipitation with the given correlation function and probabilities of precipitation and fields of the daily precipitation with the appropriate correlation function and one-dimensional distribution of probability are independently simulated. A final field is the product of these fields. The results of model verification and the results of research of properties of the statistical characteristics of extreme precipitation are presented.


numerical stochastic model, indicator field, precipitation, heterogeneity


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