Vol. 28, issue 03, article # 5

Dudorova N. V., Belan B. D. Thermal balance of the underlying surface in Tomsk in 2004–2005. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 03. P. [in Russian].
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Thermal balance of Tomsk is studied. A heat flux to the soil and an anthropogenic heat flux are calculated. The power contribution of phase transitions of water vapor to the overall thermal balance is estimated.
It is shown that the main arrival of heat from March to September occurs at the expense of radiation components (75–100%). From December to February, the arrival of heat occurs generally at the expense of a turbulent heat flux and makes from 40 to 85% of the overall balance. During the autumn period before formation of snow cover, a heat flux from the soil is essential; it increases a turbulent heat flux in the atmosphere.
During the warm period, the heat loss is distributed between a turbulent heat flux and heat for water evaporation (50/50%). The contribution of the heat coming into the soil is rather small (no more than 10% of the total loss). In spring, heat losses to snow cover melting appear; they can attain 50% of the total loss in separate months. In winter, the main heat losses fall on the radiation components.


city, thermal balance, turbulent flow, anthropogenic flow, evaporation rate


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