Vol. 27, issue 08, article # 10

Penner I. E., Balin Yu. S., Makarova M. V., Arshinov M. Yu., Voronin B. A., Belan B. D., Vasil’chenko S. S., Serdyukov V. I., Sinitsa L. N., Polovtseva E. R., Kabanov D. M., Kokhanenko G. P. Investigations of total water vapor content using various techniques. Comparison of water vapor and aerosol profiles. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 08. P. 728-738 [in Russian].
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The paper presents results of the water vapor total column measurements in the frame of combined experiment on May 22–23 at V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics (IAO SB RAS). The comparison is carried out for H2O total columns derived from simultaneously performed ground-based Fourier-spectrometer (FTIR) and sun photometer measurements, satellite and aircraft measurements, and also lidar and radiosondes measurements. Lidar and radiosondes experiments were carried out at night and the others in the afternoon.
FTIR measurements of the highly-resolved solar absorption spectra were made by the Fourier spectrometer IFS-125M (Bruker) in the range 400–1250 nm. The SFIT2 v3.92 software is used to retrieve water vapor total column from the fit to experimental spectra. Vertical profiles of atmospheric pressure and temperature required for retrieval of H2O total columns were taken from the site of upper air soundings Kolpashevo (WMO N 29231) and Tomsk. Apriory gas profiles were created using WACCM (Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model).
The measurements of the water vapor total column and the aerosol optical thickness in the atmosphere were carried out at IAO SB RAS by automated sun photometers (SP series). A comparison with the experimental results reveals that the difference between FTIR and sun photometer H2O total column measurements is about 0.8%. The water vapor total column in a layer of 0.4–7 km, obtained by ground based FTIR technique (1.30 g/cm2) up to 2% is consistent with results of aircraft measurements (1.32 g/cm2) for the same atmospheric layer. A good agreement was found between the lidar and radiosondes measurements and a correlation between the mixing ratio of water vapor and aerosol over layers are revealed.


lidar, complex experiment, Fourier spectrometer, vertical distribution of water vapor


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