Vol. 27, issue 05, article # 11

Saluk P. A., Doroshenkov I. M., Bukin O. A., Sokolova E. B., Baulo E. N. Change of seawater fluorescence properties when mixing with crude oil. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 05. P. 443-448 [in Russian].
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The fluorescence features of seawater with dissolved crude oil components during continuous 13-days mixing of water and oil are considered. Four specific fluorescence peaks are identified. Two of them are connected with content of poly aromatic hydrocarbons, and other two peaks, with high molecular organic compounds. It is shown that the fluorescence spectrum of dissolved components of crude oil is not constant. Spectral features which are good for identification of dissolved crude oil in seawater are selected.


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